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New Business - Grants

Title: G1-Carl D. Perkins Federal Secondary Vocational & Technical Education Entitlement Grant

I recommend that the School Board approve the Carl D. Perkins Federal Secondary Vocational and Technical Education Entitlement Grant through the Florida Department of Education in the amount of $1,560,397, effective July 1, 2006 through June 30, 2007, and authorize the Superintendent or designee to sign all documents and contracts related to the grant which are required for implementation of the grant activities.


The Carl D. Perkins Grant is in accordance with the Florida State Plan for Vocational and Federal Regulations that implement the Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Technical Education Act of 1998 (Public Law 105-332).  During the 2005-2006 school year, this grant funded activities that had a significant impact on Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs.  Staff development for CTE programs and career academies were undertaken, curriculum programs were developed, and lab and technology based equipment was purchased.

The Carl D. Perkins Grant will fund six (6) career education curriculum specialist positions.  Positions will also be used to facilitate staff development in Career and Technical Education, Career  Academies and Programs.   Direct student support will be enhanced through the purchase of equipment for relevant lab applications.  Specific grant funded activities will include:

1. Rigor and Relevance in Curriculum and Reading for Content Area Staff Development with school based administrative and instructional staff including program development, course sequences, and student completion

2. Training activities to support Career Development  with guidance functions

3. Development of Career Academies including curriculum and program development and academic integration

4. Recruitment of students into non-traditional programs and occupations

5. Purchase of up-to-date Career and Technical Education Laboratory equipment for CTE programs and Career Academies including Family Consumer Science, Technology Education, Business Education, Marketing Education, ESE, Project Lead The Way, Agriscience, and Health Science

6. Secondary schools will be impacted with this grant through staff development, curriculum specialist interaction, and/or equipment for CTE programs

Outcomes for students will be measured based on goals established in the four required Perkins performance measures. These outcomes are evaluated by the State Department of Education. These areas include: measurement of academic skills, technical skills, student completion and placement, and non-traditional enrollments and completions.

Financial Impact:
The financial impact to the FY 2007 Special Revenue-Other funds budget is an increase of $1,560,397.  The funds will be allocated to the Choice Programs & School Choice/Career Education Department budget. 

For Additional Information, contact:

Ann Killets/(akillets@palmbeach.k12.fl.us)

Janice S. Cover

Mary R. Vreeland

Attachments (list):
High Schools Data Panel.pdf
Fl. Dept of Ed Ltr.pdf
Performance Report.pdf

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