Title: UB1 Retainage and Final for Pleasant City Recommendation:
I recommend the School Board approve Reduction of Retainage from 1% to 0%, approve Final Payment and ratify Final Acceptance for Pleasant City Elementary School, Design/Build Project, and authorize the Chairman and Superintendent to execute all related contract documents.
Description: Pleasant City Elementary Design/Build Project #2591-8171
This Project Modification contains the following item:
Item #1 • CCD #6 in the credit amount of ($20,000.00). • Description: Deduct for outstanding issues which held up payment. • Cause: School District Requested. • Justification: This represents a settlement of outstanding items, as proposed by the contractor, for corrections to be performed by the District.
Item #2 • Description: The Project Architect has certified that Pleasant City Elementary School, under contract with The Haskell Company, achieved Final Completion on October 10, 2003.
The General Contractor has requested, and the Architect and Staff have recommended, Final Payment and Final Acceptance.
• All punch list items have been completed.
Financial Impact:
The financial impact to the Project's Budget is $0.00.
For Additional Information, contact:
Joseph M. Moore (moorej@palmbeach.k12.fl.us) Joseph M. Sanches
Attachments (list):
UB1 Pleasant City Final Backup.pdf
Data Panel 2591.pdf