Title: RE1 Purchase Contract For Property Adjacent to Highland Elem. Recommendation:
I recommend the School Board approve a Real Estate Sale and Purchase Contract for the acquisition of certain real property consisting of ± .15 acres located on North “A” Street, Lake Worth, Florida, as herein described, which property shall be designated for the campus expansion of Highland Elementary School; a Resolution declaring structures located on the property to be acquired by the School Board to be unnecessary for educational purposes, surplus and without commercial value; and authorize the Superintendent and Chairman to sign all necessary documents.
Highland Elementary School’s campus expansion for class size reduction (Project No. 0671-8950) is a prioritized project in the Five Year Capital Plan.
Program Management, Planning, and Real Estate Services recommended acquisition of the six properties because of their ideal location.
This property was not previously on the market for sale and produces an annual income of $10,800 for the owners. As a result, the owners have been reluctant to sell. (See Parcel Map, Exhibit “A”)
The Contract price is $195,000. The appraised value is $165,000.
Staff negotiated the price of this property with no attorney’s fees, or closing costs; nor the use of eminent domain costs.
A Phase I Environmental Audit has been conducted. There are no environmental concerns.
Demolition costs $20,000.00.
Recording fees $50.00.
Financial Impact:
The financial impact to the Site Acquisition Budget is not to exceed $215,050.
For Additional Information, contact:
Joseph M. Moore (moorej@Mail.palmbeach.k12.fl.us) \Joseph M. Sanches
Attachments (list):
LegalContract Checklist.pdf
RE1 Q&A 031605 Board Meeting.doc