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New Business - Purchasing

Title: P2 RFP 03C-008B for Applicant and Employee Health Screening


I recommend approval of the renewal of RFP 03C-008B for Applicant and Employee Health Screening and authorize the Superintendent and Board Chairman to sign all necessary documents.



Approve the Renewal of RFP 03C-008B for Applicant and Employee Health Screening


·      Request for Proposal No. 03C-008B was awarded by Board action on April 23, 2003, to Coach Comp America and JFK Medical Center and for two years from April 24, 2003 through April 23, 2005, with the option to renew for two addi­tional one-year periods.


·      The first option to renew is now being exercised for the period April 24, 2005 through April 23, 2006.


·      Coach Comp America and JFK Medical Center have agreed to honor terms, conditions and pricing of existing con­tract for the forth­coming contract period.  

Financial Impact:
The financial impact to the General Fund Budget is estimated at $300,000.  The source of funds is the Employee Benefits and Risk Management Department budget.

For Additional Information, contact:

Joseph M. Moore (mooreJ@palmbeach.k12.fl.us)

Dianne Howard

Attachments (list):
RFP 03C-008B Renewal.pdf
RFP 03C-008B Tabulation.pdf
RFP 03C-008B Document.pdf
RFP 03C-008B Vendor List.pdf

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