E-Agenda: Paperless Meeting System
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New Business - Financial Management

Title: FM1 Disposition of Tangible Personal Property


I recommend the School Board remove from active status all records associated with tangible personal property that were reported stolen, not located or had no residual utility or commercial value and reinstate items previously reported missing or stolen.  These items have been submitted to the Audit Committee for their review prior to submission to the Board.

Description: Disposition of Tangible Personal Property Report for the Quarter Ended September 30, 2004.

Financial Impact:

This report reflects adjustments to the District’s fixed assets account.  Any revenues received from disposal of these assets will be recognized in the operating budget.

For Additional Information, contact:

Martin Arroyo (arroyom@palmbeach.k12.fl.us)


Joseph M. Moore (moorej@palmbeach.k12.fl.us)

Attachments (list):
1-Executive Summary Quarterly Disposition Report 9-30-04.pdf
2-Legend 9-30-04.pdf
3-Reinstatement Summary 9-30-04.pdf
4-Board Charts 9-30-04.pdf
5-Disposition Summary 9-30-04.pdf

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