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New Business - Curriculum/Learning Support

Title: CL2 Pre-Kindergarten Summer Enrichment Programs with Prevention Partnerships for Children, Inc.


I recommend that the School Board approve a contract with Prevention Partnerships for Children, Inc., for the discretionary grant in the amount of $150,000. This contract is effective March 17, 2005 to September 30, 2005 and authorizes the Superintendent or designee to sign all documents and contracts related to the grant which are required for implementation of grant activities.


The Summer Enrichment program will:

4     Be in the sixth (6th) year of implementation.

4    Provide children without a prior preschool experience opportunities for active participation in the learning process and opportunities for success prior to entering kindergarten.

4    Provide early identification of children who may need speech/language, social, emotional, or behavioral health services.

4    Provide parent involvement activities, behavioral health services and transition into kindergarten activities.

4    Provide a high quality developmentally appropriate 24 day program 6 hours per day for up to 980 children at 16 elementary schools with a 1:10 staff / child ratio with emphasis on transition to kindergarten.

4    Evaluate children with a newly implemented kindergarten teacher survey.

4    Provide results of health, behavioral and Child Find referrals and interventions.

4    Provide a data review from 2003-2004 Summer Pre-K Program that indicates a statistically significant gain in pre and post test scores based on a modified Student Profile.


The participating elementary schools listed below were selected  based on Children's Services Council priorities.

4    North Area - Dr. Mary McLeod Bethune, Egret Lake, Grove Park, Northboro, and Wynnebrook

4    Central Area - Belvedere, C.O. Taylor/Kirklane, Crosspointe, Greenacres, Indian Pines, North Grade, South Olive, and West Gate

4    South Area - Galaxy, South Grade, and Village Academy


The total program budget is $939,600 of which $789,600 is already in the District's budget. This amount was provided by Children's Services Council as reimbursement for use of facilities during the school year. The remaining $150,000 provided by this contract will supplement operational costs of the program.

Financial Impact:

The financial impact to the FY2005 Special Revenue-Other Funds budget is an increase of $150,000.  The funds will be allocated to the school centers listed above.  All grant related expenditures and contracts are authorized for payment up to the amount of revenue. 

For Additional Information, contact:

Ann Killets  (akillets@palmbeach.k12.fl.us)

E. Wayne Gent

Denise E. Doyle

Attachments (list):
2003-2004 PreK Summer Enrichment Data Panel.xls
Pre-K Student Profile-Pretest.XLS
Pre-K Student Profile-Posttest.XLS
Memorandum of Agreement with Prevention Partnerships for Pre-K Summer Enrichment Programs.doc
CL2 Q&A 031605 Board Meeting.doc

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