Title: AC2 Agreement with Children's Services Council Recommendation:
I recommend approval of the Interagency Agreement Between the School Board of Palm Beach County and Children’s Services Council of Palm Beach County Concerning Student Information and that appropriate training be provided as part of this Agreement.
· In order to better plan, assess and evaluate the achievement of students, this Agreement will serve to allow the School Board to share data with the Children’s Services Council for the following purposes:
o Evaluation: To acquire data that will allow the Agency to assess the effectiveness of individual programs.
o Research: To acquire data on students served by the Agency funded programs and comparison groups to analyze the impact of systems of care and groups of programs that serve the same clients.
o Planning: To acquire district, targeted geographic or school specific data to be aggregated and analyzed to facilitate planning for children’s health, education, and human services.
· The use or disclosure of confidential information will be limited to that information necessary to benefit the students’ health, social or educational needs.
Financial Impact:
There is no financial impact to the district.
For Additional Information, contact:
Ann Killets (akillets@palmbeach.k12.fl.us)
Alison Adler
Attachments (list):
CSC Contract.pdf
Data Panels Districtwide FY05.xls