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New Business - Agreements/Contracts

Title: AC3 Affiliation Agreements with participating Healthcare Agencies

I recommend that the School Board approve the Affiliation Agreements between the School District of Palm Beach County and Boca Raton Community Hospital, Medicap Pharmacy, Dennis Feinrider, M.D., and The City of Palm Beach Gardens effective March 17, 2005 through June 30, 2006, and authorize the Superintendent or designee to sign all documents and amendments related to the agreements which are required for implementation.


4     This Board Report identifies four (4) Affiliation Agreements between the School District of Palm Beach County and Boca Raton Community Hospital, Medicap Pharmacy, Dennis Feinrider, M.D., and The City of Palm Beach Gardens participating in the clinical component of our Health Science Education Program.

4     The Affiliation Agreements are necessary to meet clinical requirements of the Florida Department of Education curriculum frameworks and required by the Florida Board of Nursing.

4     In order to expand our students’ opportunities for clinical experiences, effective FY05 we are adding the above referenced agreements.

4     Full-time Health Science Education programs are located in the following high schools: Boca Raton Community High School, Inlet Grove Community High School, Inc., Jupiter Community High School, Lake Worth Community High School, Palm Beach Gardens High School, Palm Beach Lakes Community High School, South Tech Charter Academy, Inc., West Technical Education Center, and Park Vista Community High School.

4     The programs include Allied Health Assisting, Electrocardiograph Aide, First Responder, Health Unit Coordinator, Medical Lab Assisting, Practical, and Directed Study which prepares students with entry level job skills and exposes them to career opportunities.  The Health Science Education Program also provides the frameworks for articulation to post-secondary education in health occupations.

Approximately 55 health care agencies participated in providing clinical experience to Health Science Education students during the 2003 – 2004 school year.

Financial Impact:
The financial impact to the District budget is $0.

For Additional Information, contact:

Ann Killets    akillets@palmbeach.k12.fl.us

E. Wayne Gent

John Carvelli

Attachments (list):
boca raton comm.pdf
city of PBG.pdf
dennis f.pdf
FCAT Data Panels.pdf
AC3 Q&A 031605 Board Meeting.doc

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