Title: AC4 Articulation Agreement with Keiser College Recommendation:
I recommend that the School Board approve the Articulation Agreement between the School District of Palm Beach County and Keiser College, effective March 17, 2005 through March 16, 2010 and authorize the Superintendent or designee to sign all documents and amendments related to the agreement which are required for implementation.
Description: 4 The purpose of this agreement is to allow the School District of Palm Beach County high school graduates, who have completed a specific sequence of high school courses designated as Tech Prep pathways, to receive credit at Keiser College for the courses they have completed in high school. This agreement satisfies, in part, requirements for the Tech Prep Title 341/CC Grant.
4 The Tech Prep Articulation Agreement with Keiser College provides for a system of credit granting on a course-by-course basis, allowing students to secure college credit on their transcripts at the conclusion of their courses, thus allowing a student to accrue college credits prior to high school graduation. All of the high school students in the School District of Palm Beach County will be eligible for this opportunity.
4 Tech Prep Articulation Agreements are a required part of the annual reporting process for the Carl Perkins Tech Prep Grant. The evaluation of this agreement will be based on the percentages of students enrolled in Tech Prep courses and reported to the State of Florida Department of Education as part of an annual report.
Financial Impact:
The financial impact to the District budget is $0.
For Additional Information, contact:
Ann Killets (akillets@palmbeach.k12.fl.us)
E. Wayne Gent
John Carvelli
Attachments (list):
Data Panel for Keiser College.pdf
FCAT Data Panel High Schools.pdf
Keiser Exhibit A.pdf
AC4 Q&A 031605 Board Meeting.doc