E-Agenda: Paperless Meeting System
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New Business - Grants

Title: G1 Washington Mutual Donation


I recommend that the School Board approve the receipt of a $50,000 donation from Washington Mutual to be used for tutorials for eighth graders who fail Pre-Algebra or Algebra 1 at every middle school in the district.



·        This is the first year of the requirement that all eighth graders will take Pre-Algebra or Algebra 1.  Both of these courses are high school credit courses.  The content and pace of these courses is decidedly more rigorous than previously required eighth grade mathematics courses.  There was evidence during the first quarter of this school year that some students were struggling to maintain passing grades in these courses.


·        Middle school principals recognized the need for a program that offered an opportunity to remediate weaknesses in this subject so they could complete the year successfully.  Far-reaching implications are that if students are not remediated promptly, they will perform poorly on the March 2005 FCAT.


·        The disruption caused by Hurricanes Frances and Jeanne further complicated our efforts to introduce the rigor of high school coursework to all students. 


·        Washington Mutual was made aware of the need in this area and provided the money to assist this endeavor. 


·        The acceptance of the donation will allow all schools to have an Algebra Skills Tutorial at their school through the infrastructure of the PASS Program. 

Financial Impact:
The financial impact to the Special Revenue - Other Funds Budget is an increase of $50,000.  There is no financial impact to the Operating Budget.

For Additional Information, contact:

Ann Killets (akillets@palmbeach.k12.fl.us)

Alison Adler

Attachments (list):
Data Panel for Washington Mutual Donation.doc
Data Panel - Middle Schools.pdf

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