Title: CS2 Approval of Charter School Application Recommendation:
I recommend that the School Board approve the application for Biotech Learning Charter School, Inc., effective March 17, 2005.
Description: The School District of Palm Beach County currently has thirty-five (35) operating Charter Schools with two (2) approved Charter Schools scheduled to open in August 2005. Nine (9) additional applications were approved at the December 8, 2004 and January 19, 2005 School Board Meetings to negotiate a charter. Upon successful completion of charter contract negotiations and Board Approval of the nine (9) applicants, the District will have a total of forty-six (46) Charter Schools.
Following the initial review, the application for Biotech Learning Charter School, Inc., was rated as acceptable and is recommended for approval.
The School Board's approval of the application merely indicates an agreement to enter into charter negotiations, and if successfully negotiated and approved by the School Board, will result in entering into a charter contract for the school. The charter shall be the binding agreement that shall detail all rights and responsibilities of the School Board and the Charter School.
The Charter School applicant and the School Board shall have six (6) months to negotiate a charter.
Due to the large number of pages, a copy of the charter application is on file in the Board Minutes Office for your review.
Financial Impact:
The Charter School will receive 95% of the funded FTE generated by up to 500 students. The District will retain 5% of the FTE, for up to 500 students, as per Florida Statute. Any amount above the 500 will be determined in accordance with statute.
For Additional Information, contact:
Ann Killets akillets@palmbeach.k12.fl.us
Janice Cover
Chuck Shaw
Attachments (list):
Data Panel for All Charter Schools with 3 years grades.pdf
CS2 Q&A 031605 Board Meeting.doc