Title: PD1 Out-Of-Field Teachers Survey 3 Second Semester Recommendation:
I recommend the School Board approve the attached list of teachers as out-of-field for Survey 3 of the FY05 school year to serve one or more classes out of their fields of certification in order to comply with State of Florida Board of Education Administrative Rule 6A-1.0503.
Description: The School Board may assign teachers to out-of-field positions in alignment with its mission statement of commitment to excellence and preparation of all students with the knowledge and skills required for responsible citizenship and productive employment. The District provides support for out-of-field teachers through in-service opportunities and in partnership with colleges and universities for required course work and exam preparation. The District continually strives to hire teachers to meet the instructional needs of students.
Financial Impact:
No Financial Impact
For Additional Information, contact:
Gerald A. Williams, Esq.
Attachments (list):
Out of Field 3-16.pdf