E-Agenda: Paperless Meeting System
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New Business - Program Management

Title: PM6 Educational Specification for Elementary School 03-X


I recommend the School Board approve the Educational Specification for construction of the new Elementary School 03-X (Palm Beach Gardens Area), and authorize the Chairman and Superintendent to execute all related contract documents.


Elementary School 03-X (Palm Beach Gardens Area)

1. The construction of new Elementary School 03X- is scheduled to commence 2007 and be completed by 2008 according to the Board-adopted FY 2005 - FY 2009 Five-Year Plan.

2. The educational specification for Elementary School 03-X is consistent with the CSR facility lists and CSR generic educational specifications approved by the
Board on November 8, 2004.

3. The CSR “FISH Capacity” of this school design would be 964 and the “Program Capacity” of this school design would be 964 students, as authorized by the Charter School District Waiver granted by the Florida Board of Education on January 21, 2003.

4. The Educational Specification was reviewed and approved by the Area Superintendent.

For Additional Information, contact:
Joseph M. Moore (moorej@palmbeach.k12.fl.us)
Joseph M. Sanches

Attachments (list):
PM6 03X PBG Ed Specs Backup.pdf
PM6 Q&A 031605 Board Meeting.doc

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