Title: PM7 Project Modifications for Boca Raton High Recommendation:
I recommend the School Board approve Project Modifications in the amount of $3,154.00. for Boca Raton Community High School, Modernization Project, and authorize the Chairman and Superintendent to execute all related contract documents.
Description: Boca Raton Community High School, Modernizations Project #0961-8165
This Project Modification contains the following item:
• Additional Architectural Services in the amount of $3,154.00. • Description: Provide additional architectural services for the engineering evaluation, estimate review and public meeting attendance needed to review and comment on the Interlocal Agreement between the City of Boca Raton and the School District of Palm Beach County for roadway improvements. • Cause: Outside Agency • Justification: The District requested that the Project architect's Civil Engineer review, estimate and coordinate work impacting the school's modernization project so as to avoid delays and added financial impacts.
Financial Impact:
The financial impact to the Project's Budget is $3,154.00.
The source of funds is the project budget as approved by the Board at the time of the Construction Contract Award.
For Additional Information, contact:
Joseph M. Moore (moorej@palmbeach.k12.fl.us) Joseph M. Sanches
Attachments (list):
PM7 BRCHS Backup.pdf
Data Panel 0961.pdf