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New Business - Program Management

Title: PM9 Project Modifications for John I Leonard


I recommend the School Board approve Project Modifications in the amount of $19,340.00 for John I. Leonard High School, Modernization Project, and authorize the Chairman and Superintendent to execute all related contract documents.


John I. Leonard High School - Modernization Project #1361-8218

This Project Modification contains the following item:

• Additional Architectural Services in the amount of $19,340.00
• Description:  The A/E will provide contract documents revisions required for: (1) Class Size Reduction changes to the original Educational Specifications dated May 21, 2003 with revised Educational Specifications dated November 18, 2003. (2) Design Development Phase revisions required to accommodate conversion of the Technology program into a Career Academy, (3) Design Development Phase revisions required to accommodate change to Early Childhood program so that the lab space could be moved to the exterior wall  of the building for security and recreation purposes.
• Cause:  School District Requested.
• Justification:  After negotiations and contract execution, revisions to the Career Academies were requested by the School District.

• There is no construction cost change impact as a result of these services.  Changes are within the current GMP.

Financial Impact:

The financial impact to the Project's Budget is $19,340.00.

The source of funds is the project budget as approved by the Board at the time of the Construction Contract Award.

For Additional Information, contact:
Joseph M. Moore (moorej@palmbeach.k12.fl.us)
Joseph M. Sanches

Attachments (list):
PM9 JI Leonard HS Backup.pdf
Data Panel 1361.pdf

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