E-Agenda: Paperless Meeting System
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Approve Board Minutes - No Division Assigned

Title: Minutes

I recommend the Board approve the Minutes as submitted.


2/2/05 - Special Meeting re:  Personnel

2/2/05 - ESOL Workshop

2/2/05 - Local Wellness Policy Workshop

2/9/05 - Board Committee Assignments

2/9/05 - Attorney/Client re:  Mandel vs. Blacharski

2/9/05 - Special Meeting re:  MWBE Program

2/9/05 - Boundary Workshop

2/23/05 - Special Meeting re: Eman

2/23/05 - Attorney/Client re:  Eman

2/23/05 - Special Meeting re:  COPS

2/23/05 - Board Discussion Items

2/23/05 - Tentative Boundary Adoption

2/23/05 - Special Meeting re: Policies

Financial Impact:

For Additional Information, contact:
Alicia Palmer

Attachments (list):
Special Meeting re COP Refunding.2-23-05.doc
ESOL Workshop.2-2-05.doc
Local Wellness Policy.2-2-05.doc
Board Discussion Items.2-23-05.doc
Tentative Boundary Adoption.2-23-05.doc
Special Meeting re Policies.2-23-05.doc
Boundary Workshop.2-9-05.doc
Special Meeting re MWBE.2-9-05.doc
Board Committee Assignments.2-9-05.doc
Special Meeting re Personnel.2-2-05.doc
Attorney Client.Eman.2-23-05.doc
Special Meeting re Eman.2-23-05.doc
Attorney Client.Mandel vs Blacharski.2-9-05.doc

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