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New Business - Consultant Contracts

Title: CC12 Consultant Contract for Mangco, Inc.

I recommend award of the consultant contract with Mangco, Inc. and authorize the Superintendent and Board Chairman to sign all needed documents.


CC12  The Consultant shall perform the following services: MANGCO, INC. shall serve as an independent contractor for the BOARD, servicing the Educational Data Warehouse (EDW) in the following areas:

Function as a master developer and provide technical expertise to the data warehouse team in the areas of security and analytical/reporting solutions.

Provide weekly-customized hands-on training sessions.  Through the training and co-development with the Consultant, the EDW team will be able to fast track a higher volume of more flexible and user-friendly reports and graphs.  For example:

Fine-tune Matrix Manager & Visualizer (Dashboard Indicators)
   Enhance existing scorecarding application to provide additional Indicators for schools.
   Create PowerPlay Cubes and Visualizer Dashboard to show graphical representation of Leading and Lagging indicators.
   Merge multiple application solutions into one user interface for seamless analysis of Indicators, via Scorecard, Dashboard, and reports.

Additional Tuning of Data Warehouse for efficiency purposes
   Maximize the performance of the Data Warehouse. This will involve working with DBAs, Metadata Modeler (Framework Manager), Report
   Developers, Network services, Cognos server administrators.

Implement Teacher-Based Security (allowing every teacher access to data warehouse)
   Assist in design and development of infrastructure required to support Teacher-Based security. Design will involve working with DBAs
   Active Directory security administrators, and the Metadata Modeler.  Once the infrastructure is in place, will work with Cube developers
   and Metadata Modeler to incorporate this security in cubes as well as packages used for ReportNet reporting.

Create additional listing and summary reports/graphs
   Create and assist in creation of additional reports and graphs for production as well as to support adhoc requests

The above referenced consultant has:

Expertise in the knowledge and use of Cognos tools through years of experience with Cognos Products
Demonstrated success in producing data warehouse solutions
Knowledge of local system and data structures
Demonstrated ability to effectively interact with district staff
Proven ability to provide stability to the project
Served as the Cognos Project Manager from Phase I of Data Warehouse to the present, this will further develop in-house expertise

Approval of this contract increases the efficiency of the project in the following ways:

Reduces Cognos administrative overhead
Increases the stability of the staffing of the data warehouse project
Reduces overall cost of contract by using salary available from vacant developer position

Financial Impact:

Authorized Amount this Request: $160,000.00

Previously Authorized Amount Year-to-Date: $200,000.00

Total Authorized Amount if Request Approval: $360,000.00

Fund Source:  Capital Funds
                    Consultant Services                     

For Additional Information, contact:

Joseph M. Moore, MooreJ@PalmBeach.k12.fl.us

Dr. Marc Baron, Chief of Performance Accountability

Attachments (list):
Mangco, Inc. Contract.pdf
Mangco, Inc. Beneficial Interest.pdf
Mangco, Inc. New Evaluation.pdf
Mangco, Inc. Previous Evaluation.pdf
Mangco, Inc. Legal Checklist.pdf
Mangco, Inc. Data Panel.pdf

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