Title: CC7 Consultant Contract for Wilson Language Training Recommendation:
I recommend award of the consultant contracts with Wilson Language Training and authorize the Superintendent and Board Chairman to sign all needed documents.
Description: CC7 The Consultant shall perform the following services: The Wilson Reading System Trainer will present the multisensory structured language principles and techniques of the Wilson Reading System (WRS). It is a 10 hour workshop that includes reading research, 10 critical points of the WRS, teaching with direct, multisensory methods, program implementation, group lesson instruction, blocks 1,2, & 3 of the WRS lesson plan (modeling and practice), student placement, scheduling, keys for success and pacing, progress monitoring, practice using Wilson Decoding and Encoding (WADE).
Financial Impact:
Authorized Amount this Request: $7,700.00
Previously Authorized Amount Year-to-Date: $11,300.00
Total Authorized Amount if Request Approval: $19,000.00
Fund Source: Special Revenue Fund Consultant Services
For Additional Information, contact:
Joseph M. Moore, MooreJ@PalmBeach.k12.fl.us
Russell Feldman, Executive Director, Exceptional Student Education
Attachments (list):
Wilson Language Contract.pdf
Wilson Language Beneficial Interest.pdf
Wilson Language New Evaluation.pdf
Wilson Language Previous Evaluation.pdf
Wilson Language Legal Checklist.pdf
Wilson Language Data Panel.pdf