Title: P6 RFP 06C-002R for Cellular Phones & Services Recommendation:
I recommend no award be made for RFP 06C-002R for Cellular Phones and Services.
P6 RFP 06C-002R for Cellular Phones and Services
· On December 21, 2005, RFP 06C-002R for Cellular Phones and Services was released. Three proposals were received.
· Upon review, it was determined that additional information is needed in order to comply with funding eligibility for e-rate dollars. Therefore, it is recommended that no award be made.
· A revised RFP will be solicited using e-rate guidelines.
Financial Impact:
There is no financial impact for this item.
For Additional Information, contact:
Joseph M. Moore (moorej@palmbeach.k12.fl.us)
Linda Mainord
Attachments (list):
RFP 06C-002R Tabulation.pdf
RFP 06C-002R Document.pdf
RFP 06C-002R Vendor List.pdf