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New Business - Purchasing

Title: P5 Renewal of Agreement with RFP Depot. LLC


I recommend the renewal of the Agreement with RFP Depot, LLC for the FY07 school year and authorize the Superintendent and Board Chairman to sign all necessary documents.


P5  Approve the renewal of the Agreement with RFP Depot, LLC to provide a web-based electronic bidding system for the not-to-exceed amount of $72,000.


·      RFP Depot, LLC was designed by public purchasing professionals, vendors and technical staff to create a  system to use for soliciting bids electronically.


·       At the April 21, 2004 Board meeting, the Board approved the Agreement with RFP Depot, LLC for the Purchasing Department to begin using their services.


·       The Purchasing Department would like to renew the Agreement with RFP Depot, LLC for the next fiscal year from July 1, 2006 through June 30, 2007.


·       The cost per month will be $6,000 per month.                                           


·      The Purchasing Department plans to move this functionality into the solicitation portion of the Strategic Sourcing Module of PeopleSoft during the Phase II implementation.

Financial Impact:
The financial impact to the District Budget is estimated at $72,000.  The source of funds is the Purchasing Department Operating Budget.

For Additional Information, contact:

Joseph M. Moore (moorej@palmbeach.k12.fl.us)

Sharon Swan

Attachments (list):
RFP Depot Contract.pdf
RFP Depot Legal Checklist.pdf
RFP Depot Beneficial Interest.pdf

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