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New Business - Consultant Contracts

Title: CC5 Consultant Contract for Jerry L. Blanton

I recommend award of the consultant contract with Jerry L. Blanton and authorize the Superintendent and Board Chairman to sign all needed documents.

Description: CC5 The Consultant shall perform the following services: Support the sustainability efforts of the School Based Team and the cooperative agreements linked to community services.  Ensure the data collection of community agencies for FY06.  Collaborate with School Police on the clearance of all agency staff under the Jessica Lundsford Act for FY07.

Financial Impact:

Authorized Amount this Request:  $1,660.00

Previously Authorized Amount Year-to-Date:  $36,900.00

Total Authorized Amount if Request Approval:  $38,560.00

Fund Source:    Special Revenue Funds
                      Consultant Services

For Additional Information, contact:

Joseph M. Moore, MooreJ@PalmBeach.k12.fl.us

Alison Adler, Chief, Safety and Learning Environment

Attachments (list):
Jerry L. Blanton Contract.pdf
Jerry L. Blanton Beneficial Interest.pdf
Jerry L. Blanton New Evaluation.pdf
Jerry L. Blanton Previous Evaluation.pdf
Jerry L. Blanton Legal Checklist.pdf
Jerry L. Blanton Data Panel.pdf

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