Title: Amendment to Inter-local Agreement - Manatee Elementary School Parking Lot Recommendation:
I recommend the School Board approve the Amendment to Inter-local Agreement between the School Board of Palm Beach County and Palm Beach County for the Construction of Manatee Elementary School Parking Lot.
Description: - The School District staff requested a time extension for the funding under the Inter-local Agreement to increase the number of parking spaces at Manatee Elementary School.
- The Agreement that was approved on February 1, 2005, provided a completion date of September 30, 2006.
- The County has agreed to extend that initial completion date by one (1) year; therefore, providing a new completion date of September 30, 2007.
- All other provisions of the Inter-local agreement dated February 1, 2005, shall remain.
Financial Impact:
$50,000 from capital contingency with $50,000 reimbursement from Palm Beach County and the remaining $25,720 from minor projects (capital cost).
For Additional Information, contact:
moorej@palmbeach.k12.fl.us; sanchesj@palmbeach.k12.fl.us
Attachments (list):