Title: AC1-Approval of Final Expenditures for the 5th Annual Single School Culture Conference Recommendation:
I recommend the School Board approve the final expenditures for the 5th Annual Single School Culture Conference in the amount of $11,659.
- At the January 18, 2006 Board Meeting, Agenda Item AC2, the School Board approved the Agreement between the School District of Palm Beach County, Discover Palm Beach County, Inc. and ARAMARK for the 5th Annual Single School Culture Conference.
- The final expenditures for the audio visual equipment is $11,659.
Financial Impact:
The financial impact is $11,659 to the Department of Safe Schools/Title 1 budget.
For Additional Information, contact:
Ann Killets (akillets@palmbeach.k12.fl.us)
Alison Adler
Attachments (list):
Aramark Agreement.pdf
Single School Culture Data Panel.pdf