Title: AC18-Cooperative Agreement with the PBC Sheriff's Office's Eagle Academy Recommendation:
I recommend that the School Board approve renewal of the cooperative agreement with the Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office Eagle Academy located in Belle Glade, Florida to provide alternative educational services from July 1, 2006 through June 30, 2007.
Description: This is the ninth annual cooperative agreement between the Sheriff's Office Eagle Academy and the School District. The program will serve up to 85 disciplinary and truant male and female youths. The criteria for placement is determined by the Eagle Academy through an application process that is open to all Palm Beach County students between the ages of 13 - 16.
The goal of the program is for students to develop the social skills, academic knowledge and vocational skills necessary to ensure a successful transition to their home school. Length of the program is five (5) months and is residential. Students are evaluated through the SRI reading, STAR math and the FCAT tests. The Sheriff's Office provides intensive counseling and behavior management for students and families with a continuation of three (3) months counseling and family services while attending their home school.
The Sheriff's Office provides room and board and all other operational expenses incurred by the program. The school district is responsible for the instructional staff, custodian, and materials needed to provide the educational program.
Financial Impact:
The financial impact to the General Fund Budget is approximately $ 345,482. The source of funds is FTE Revenue and Supplemental Academic Instruction (SAI) Categorical funding.
For Additional Information, contact:
Ann Killets/(akillets@palmbeach.k12.fl.us
Janice Cover
Derri Parkey
Attachments (list):
Eagle data panel 2006.doc
eagle ck list.doc