E-Agenda: Paperless Meeting System
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New Business - Personnel

Title: PD1-$50,000 Contribution from Palm Beach Community College

I recommend that the School Board approve the donation of $50,000.00 from Palm Beach Community College.

Description: These funds will be used to pay stipends to train mentors for participants in the teacher certification program for Triple A schools.

Financial Impact:
The financial impact to the Special Revenue-Other Funds budget is an increase of $50,000.  These funds will be allocated to the Staff Development department budget.

For Additional Information, contact:

Ann Killets (akillets@palmbeach.k12.fl.us.);

Darron Davis

Elizabeth M. Decker

Attachments (list):
AAA Elementary DATA Panels.pdf
AAA High School Data Panels.pdf
AAA MIddle Schools Data Panel.pdf
Legal Review Checklist PD1.pdf
PBCC Donation.pdf

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