Title: PM4 Project Modifications for Palm Beach Gardens CHS Recommendation:
I recommend the School Board ratify Project Modifications in the amount of $71,386.00 for Palm Beach Gardens Community High School, Modernization Project, and authorize the Chairman and Superintendent to execute all related contract documents.
Palm Beach Gardens Community High School – Modernization Project #1371-7506
This project modification contains the following item:
- CCD #1 in the amount of $71,386.00.
- Description: Reroute main electrical feed to the existing school.
- Cause: School District Requested.
- Justification: The existing feeders run under the parking lot where the new school will be built. The feeders needed to be rerouted prior to the demolition of the parking lot and the start of construction of the new school.
Financial Impact:
The financial impact to the Project's Budget is $71,386.00.
The source of funds is the project budget as approved by the Board at the time of the Construction Contract Award.
For Additional Information, contact:
Joseph M. Moore (moorej@palmbeach.k12.fl.us) Joseph M. Sanches
Attachments (list):
PM4 Backup.pdf
PM4 Site Plan.pdf
PM4 Data Panel.pdf