Title: RE2 - New Suncoast High School Recommendation:
I recommend the School Board approve the Real Estate Sale and Purchase Contract for acquisition of an improved property located at 1640 West 17th Street, Riviera Beach; approve a Post Closing Occupancy Agreement; approve a resolution declaring structure (s) located on the property to be acquired by the School Board to be unnecessary for Educational purposes, surplus and without commercial value; and authorize the Superintendent and Chairman to sign all necessary documents.
- The School Board approved the conceptual plan for the relocation of Suncoast High School and the construction of the New Riviera Beach Area High School (02-MMM) on the future expanded site of Suncoast High School.
- The New Riviera Beach Area High School (02-MMM) is included in the Five Year Capital Plan.
- The Modernization of John F. Kennedy Middle School and the relocation of Suncoast High School requires the acquisition of an additional + 30 acres. See Exhibit “A”.
- The School District has already acquired + 10.95 of the 30 acres.
- This property being acquired in this action contains approximately 5,000 sf, more or less.
- This property is adjacent to the John F. Kennedy Middle School campus.
- The Contract price for the improved property is $256,000.00. The appraised value of the property is $210,000.00.
- The Post Closing Occupancy Agreement permits the Seller to remain on the property 90 days beyond the closing date.
- The Seller will indemnify the School Board from any liability following closing.
- The property owner was an unwilling seller and engaged the services of an attorney. Staff was able to negotiate a settlement with the owner’s attorney.
- The settlement includes an additional $6,000.00 for seller’s associated costs.
Demolition Costs: $15,000.00.
Financial Impact:
The financial impact to the Project’s Budget is $277,000.00.
For Additional Information, contact:
Joseph M. Moore (moorej@Mail.palmbeach.k12.fl.us) Joseph M. Sanches
Attachments (list):
RE-2 New Suncoast HS 053106 Exhibit A.pdf
RE-2 New Suncoast HS 053106 Exhibit A-1.pdf
RE-2 New Suncoast HS Resolution 053106.pdf