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New Business - Agreements/Contracts

Title: AC7 Contract with Palm Beach County Literacy Coalition

I recommend that the School Board approve a contract with the Palm Beach County Literacy Coalition in the amount of $90,000 for the period of September 22, 2005 to June 30, 2006, and authorize the Superintendent or designee to sign all documents and contracts related to the grant which are required for implementation of the grant activities.


This will be the 24th year that the District has received funds from the Geographic Adult Education grant which provides funding for this contract.  The contract will provide for an information and outreach program that links adults to literacy education services in Palm Beach County.   
This is a performance contract, and the funds will be disseminated only upon achievement of the following specific objectives outlined in the agreement.  The Palm Beach County Literacy Coalition, Inc. will, for FY2006:
• provide a trained staff member to offer one-to-one counseling, referral, and follow-up services to adults seeking information       
  about literacy programs in Palm Beach County;
• refer a minimum of 1,000 adults to participate in literacy programs; 
• provide statistical information on the number of referrals and the status of each referral for inclusion in the Adult Education     
  Annual Performance Report as required by the Florida Department of Education;
• train a minimum of 200 literacy teachers and volunteers in teaching strategies to address specific adult learning
• provide information and support services to a minimum of 100 adults who will demonstrate educational gains in basic and
  functional literacy levels as measured by standardized tests, including the TABE, CASAS, and GED.

Payment is based on the documentation of student achievement demonstrated on standardized testing, including the Test of Adult Basic Education (TABE), the General Education Development (GED) Tests, and the Comprehensive Adult Student Assessment System (CASAS).







Financial Impact:
The financial impact to the District is a $90,000 decrease to the to the Special Revenue - Other Funds budget.  These are Workforce Development related grant funds and not part of K-12 FTE funding.  There is no capital impact.  The funds are allocated within the Department of Secondary,  Adult and Community Education.  All grant-related expenditures and contracts are authorized for payment up to the amount of revenue.

For Additional Information, contact:

Ann Killets (akillets@palmbeach.k12.fl.us)

E. Wayne Gent

Brenda Magee, Ed.D.

Attachments (list):
Lit Coalition Data Panel.2.doc
Contract With Literacy Coalition.doc

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