Title: Hispanic/Latino Heritage Month Recommendation:
I recommend the School Board declare September 15-October 15, 2005 as Hispanic/Latino Heritage Month and showcase the unique diversity of the Hispanic culture and contributions.
Description: From Florida's earliest days, people of Hispanic heritage and culture have played a vital role in shaping our state. The School District celebrates National Hispanic/Latino Heritiage Month, recognizing Hispanic/Latino Americans for helping to build national character and strengthen communities. The School District recognizes the vitality of the Hispanic/Latino culture as a great gift to America and a part of the unique fabric of our country as they have enriched the nation through contributions in many professions and fields.
Financial Impact:
For Additional Information, contact:
Gerald Williams williamsg@palmbeach.k12.fl.us Nat Harrington harrington@palmbeach.k12.fl.us Vickie Middlebrooks middlebrooks@palmbeach.k12.fl.us
Attachments (list):
2005 Hispanic-Latino Heritage Month.doc