Title: CP8 Reject All Proposals for Construction Testing and Geotechnical Scvs. Recommendation:
I recommend the School Board accepts the recommendation to reject all proposals for Construction Testing and Geotechnical Services.
Description: Reject all proposals for Construction Testing and Geotechnical Services from the following firms received on January 20, 2006: Ardaman & Associates, Inc., Capri Engineering, Dunkelberger Engineering & Testing, Inc., ECS Florida, LLC., GFA International, Inc., Gramian Engineering, Inc., MacTec Engineering and Consulting, Inc., Nodarse & Associates, Inc., Nutting Engineers of Florida, Professional Services, Inc., Radise International, Testing Lab of Palm Beaches, Inc., Tierra, Inc. and Universal Engineering Sciences, Inc.
Financial Impact:
There is no financial impact.
For Additional Information, contact:
Joseph M. Moore (moorej@palmbeach.k12.fl.us)
Joseph M. Sanches
Attachments (list):
final tabulation.construction geotechnical.pdf