Title: AC7-College Board SpringBoard Agreement Recommendation:
I recommend that the School Board approve the SpringBoard Subscription Agreement between the School Board of Palm Beach County and the College Board for a total of up to $67,293, effective July 20, 2006 through June 30, 2007, and authorize the Superintendent or designee to sign all documents and contracts related to the grant which are required for implementation of grant activities.
Description: § The FY07 College Board’s SpringBoard Subscription Agreement includes the commitment of the School District and College Board for the fees for training, materials and support needed to implement the SpringBoard program.
§ The overarching goal of SpringBoard is to provide students with the skills and competencies to be prepared for college success and to be better prepared to participate in advanced courses such as: Advanced Placement, Honors, and International Baccalaureate
§ SpringBoard is a curriculum program for grades 6 – 12 that incorporates rigorous standards, professional development, instructional resources, and diagnostic assessments.
§ SpringBoard teachers receive intensive training and become part of a “special cadre” where teachers develop close and supportive relationships with each student.
§ Sixty-nine students in each of 13 middle schools, 92 students in each of four high schools, 46 students in grades six and seven at Village Academy, and 46 middle school students at Pahokee (23 students per grade level in grades 6 – 12) will be enrolled in math and language arts courses taught by SpringBoard trained teachers.
§ SpringBoard classes serve students who scored in Level 1 or Level 2 on FCAT.
§ Participating high schools are: Forest Hill, Glades Central, Pahokee (including middle and high school students), and Palm Beach Lakes.
§ Participating middle schools include: Bear Lakes, Carver, Congress, Conniston, H.L. Watkins, Palm Springs, John F. Kennedy, Lake Shore, Lake Worth, Lantana, Odyssey, Okeeheelee, Roosevelt, and Village Academy.
Financial Impact:
The financial impact to the Special Revenue-Other Funds Budget is a decrease of up to $67,293. The source of funds is the Title I budget.
For Additional Information, contact:
Ann Killets akillets@palmbeach.k12.fl.us
Alison Adler
Attachments (list):
Springboard Agreement.tif
Legal Checklist Springboard.tif
Data Panel AAA Level 1 Changes 05-06.xls