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New Business - Consultant Contracts

Title: CC5 Consultant Contract for Education Development Center, Inc


I recommend award of the consultant contracts with Education Development Center, Inc.  and authorize the Superintendent and Board Chairman to sign all needed documents.


The consultant shall perform the following services:  Implement the AIM for Results design at the John F. Kennedy Middle School.  Leadership Team completes an assessment and planning process around the six elements of AIM.


The contract was brought forward at this later date because of a School Principal transition.  This allowed for the coordination details between the AIMS model and Learning Team Meetings to be defined, and no funds have been expended.


Evaluator:  Dr. Joan Lagoulis, Assistant Principal, John F. Kennedy Middle School


Minority Status: None

Financial Impact:

Authorized Amount this Request: $ $108,000


Previously Authorized Amount Year-to-Date: $ 0


Total Authorized Amount if Request Approved: $ 108,000


Fund Source: Special Revenue Funds

                      Consultant Services

For Additional Information, contact:

Joseph M. Moore, MooreJ@PalmBeach.k12.fl.us


Marisol Ferrer

Attachments (list):
Education Contract.pdf
Education New Evaluation.pdf
Education Previous Evaluation.pdf
Education Legal Checklist.pdf
Education Payment Schedule.pdf

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