The purpose of the SMILE Youth Services, Inc is to provide teachers with training, provide modeling for teachers in classrooms, review and score fourth grade writing assessments, provide written instructional recommendations and generate fourth grade graphs and score distribution information.
The students selected for participation were identified as fourth grade students who scored below a 3 on the August 2005 Palm Beach Writes.
The SMILE approach to teaching writing revolutionizes the way educators present key concepts of expository and narrative writing to their students.
Five essential components form the basis of this comprehensive writing approach:
1. Skills: The "nuts & bolts" of expository and narrative writing form the basis of instruction in SMILE. A framework for these specific skills emerges out of the areas of focus, organization, support and conventions.
2. Motivation: Movement, rhymes, music, games and visually appealing illustrations play an integral part of the hands-on interaction lessons.
3. Instructional Strategies: Graphic organizers, skill icons, and other appealing visual aids accompany the lessons.
4. Lesson Plans: Activities are designed to appeal specifically to children and are written in an easy-to-follow lesson plan format for teachers. The SMILE Writing Resource is based on a spiraling curriculum that fosters student competency from stage to stage. The writing process, which involves pre-writing, drafting, proofing and editing, revising and publication, is built into the program.
5. Evaluation: Teacher facilitated discussion groups and peer editing sessions boost self-esteem and offer accountability that students need in order to succeed in a data-driven, instructional community. Student-friendly checklists and corresponding analytical rubrics keep peer interaction focused and purposeful.
Consultant contract funds will be used to pay for on-site training and technical assistance.