Title: PD5 Rescind Abrahantes Termination Recommendation:
I Recommend that the School Board Rescind the termination of Maria Abrahantes and, in so doing, approve her resignation effective September 21, 2005.
The Superintendent signed and the board voted to accept an administrative petition for termination of employment of Ms Abrahantes at the board meeting of September 21, 2005.
Professional Standards had previously advised Ms. Abrahantes’ attorney that they would accept her resignation in lieu of termination.
On September 20, 2005, Ms. Abrahantes’ attorney advised that his client would be resigning prior to the board meeting. He was advised that the written resignation would be accepted if it was received by the District on or before 2:00pm on September 21, 2005, and the item would be pulled from the board meeting.
The written resignation was not sent to the District via facsimile until 3:08pm on September 21, 2005. The attorney did not address the fax as instructed so it was not discovered until September 22, 2005. Consequently, the item was not pulled and the termination went forth.
- Accepting the resignation is in the best interest of the School Board.
Financial Impact:
There is no financial impact to the district.
For Additional Information, contact:
JulieAnn Rico Allison (allison@palmbeach.k12.fl.us)
Jean Marie Middleton
Attachments (list):