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New Business - Purchasing

Title: P1 Approve Purchase of Self-Sealing Payroll Check Forms


I recommend the School Board approve the purchase of self-sealing payroll check forms, including inserts, and vendor/disbursement check forms from the manufacturer, Moore Wallace, in the not-to-exceed amount of $150,000.



P1  Purchase of self-sealing payroll check forms,

       including inserts, and vendor/disbursement

       check forms from the manufacturer, Moore



·     Moore Wallace holds the patents on the

       equipment, pressure seal forms (checks) and the

       cohesive. The pressure-sealed check form is

       manufactured using a patented design and



·     Moore Wallace is the sole provider of the forms

       (checks). No other manufacturers have been

       licensed to use the patents.


·     The Moore Wallace pressure seal equipment was

       originally selected as a result of a competitive bid.


·         The amount requested will cover a three-year period.


Financial Impact:
The financial impact to the General Fund Budget is estimated at $150,000.  The source of funds is the Treasury Department budget.

For Additional Information, contact:

Joseph Moore (moorej@palmbeach.k12.fl.us)


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