Title: CP1 Award Exterior Painting Bid for Various Schools Recommendation:
I recommend approval of award of two (2) contracts for Exterior Painting as follows:
Group 1:
Beacon Cove ES $74,848. Northboro ES $80,592. Dreyfoos School of Arts $229, 316. for a total of $384,756. to Sun Art Painting
Group 2:
Benoist Farms ES $35,000. Binks Forest ES $32,000, Polo Park MS $51,500. for a total of $118,500. to Fleischer's, Inc.
Group 3:
Calusa ES $29,500. Christa McAuliffe MS $64,000. Coral Reef ES $35,000. for a total of $128,500. to Fleischer's, Inc.
Description: The successful bidder will furnish, at their expense, all paint, labor, consumables, transportation, technical expertise, supervision, and equipment necessary for the total completion of Exterior painting of nine school sites, as listed and described in the Bid Specifications and Summary section of the Bid Document.
Minority Participation: 15%
Financial Impact:
The financial impact is $631,756. The source of funds is the corresponding PECO Budget.
For Additional Information, contact:
Joseph M. Moore (moorej@palmbeach.k12.fl.us)
Joseph M. Sanches
Attachments (list):
various painting bid.tabulation.pdf