Title: Amendment to Consultant Contract with Nason, Yeager, Gerson White & Lioce, P.A. Recommendation:
I recommend award of the consultant contract amendment with the Law Firm of Nason, Yeager, Gerson White & Lioce, P.A. and authorize the Superintendent and Board Chairman to sign all needed documents.
Description: The consultant shall perform the following services: Legal Advisor shall provide legal services associated with acquisition by eminent domain of properties required for 04-OO Middle School and Support Facilities as assigned Legal Advisor by the Chief Legal Counsel from time to time, including but not limited to preparation and filing of pleadings, attendance at hearings, mediation, trial and appeals.
This amendment is to extend the maximum payment amount an additional $25,000 for the term of this contract.
At the March 2006 School Board Meeting, the Board approved Resolution No. 03152006RE3 authorizing the use of eminent domain to acquire the property required for new middle school 04-OO and Support Facilities. The Resolution also authorized the Chief Counsel to employ outside attorneys if the complexity or workload of the case exceeded the ability of in-house staff to handle. The Chief Counsel determined that the District’s appraisals of the property to be acquired, totaling approximately $12.5M, together with existing workload warranted hiring outside counsel. The Chief Counsel selected the Law Firm of Nason, Yeager, Gerson, White & Lioce, P.A. to handle these cases and entered into a contract in an amount not to exceed $10,000. Based upon the estimated budget provided by Nason, Yeager, an additional $25,000 is being requested at this time.
Financial Impact:
For Additional Information, contact:
Gerald A. Williams
Joseph M. Moore
Blair LittleJohn
Attachments (list):