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New Business - Consultant Contracts

Title: CC7 Consultant Contract for Alan Samet

I recommend award of the consultant contract with Alan Samet, for $23,250.00, effective September 21, 2006 through September 30, 2006, and authorize the Superintendent and Board Chairman to sign all needed documents.

Description: CC7 The Consultant shall perform the following services: Provide research and development of customized reports using the consultant's SQL Web-base database application program for use by School Based Team leaders.  An interactive School Based Team Action Plan will be developed.  The consultant shall maintain ownership of the software code and the District shall maintain ownership of the reports. (See attachment for breakdown of licensing user fees). 

Financial Impact:

Authorized Amount this Request: $23,250.00

Previously Authorized Amount Year-to-Date: $9,950.00

Total Authorized Amount if Request Approval: $33,200.00

Fund Source:    Special Revenue Funds
                      Consultant Services

For Additional Information, contact:

Joseph M. Moore, MooreJ@PalmBeach.k12.fl.us

Alison Adler, Chief, Safety and Learning Environment

Attachments (list):
Alan Samet Contract.pdf
Alan Samet Beneficial Interest.pdf
Alan Samet New Evaluation.pdf
Alan Samet Legal Checklist.pdf

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