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New Business - Consultant Contracts

Title: CC5 Consultant Contract for Philip Dvorak

I recommend award of the consultant contract with Philip Dvorak for $7,570.00, effective October 19, 2006 through December 22, 2006, and authorize the Superintendent and Board Chairman to sign all needed documents.

Description: CC5  The Consultant shall perform the following services: Administrative assistance with the Alternative to Suspension programs as follows: 250 hours - FACE IT (Families Acting Collaboratively to Educate and Involve Teens) @ $25/hr = $6,250.00; non-mandatory FACE IT training - 6 hours @ $13/hr -= $78.00; instructor for Anger Management, 56 hours @ $21/hr -= $1,176.00; mandatory Student Misconduct training - 3 hours @$22/hr = $66.00.  Alternative to Suspension programs allow students to reduce Out-of-School Suspension days.

Financial Impact:

Authorized Amount this Request: $7,570.00

Previously Authorized Amount Year-to-Date: $9,950.00

Total Authorized Amount if Request Approval: $17,520.00

Fund Source:    Special Revenue Funds
                      Consultant Services

For Additional Information, contact:

Joseph M. Moore, MooreJ@PalmBeach.k12.fl.us

Alison Adler, Chief, Safety and Learning Environment

Attachments (list):
Philip Dvorak Contract.pdf
Philip Dvorak Beneficial Interest.pdf
Philip Dvorak New Evaluation.pdf
Philip Dvorak Previous Evaluation.pdf
Philip Dvorak Legal Checklist.pdf
Philip Dvorak Data Panel.pdf

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