Title: Special Meeting re: Corebridge Educational Academy Recommendation:
I recommend that the School Board authorize the Office of Chief Counsel to commence with any and all necessary and applicable legal actions against Corebridge Educational Academy Charter School, Inc. and Dianne Tetreault, individually for the purpose of obtaining records and intervening in an existing lawsuit to assert claims against settlement proceeds. Also, to authorize the Chairman and Superintendent to sign all necessary documents.
Description: Corebridge Education Academy Charter School, Inc. became a Charter School serving grades K through 8 in 2002. Effective June 15, 2006, the School voluntarily elected to terminate its Charter Agreement. Since April 20, 2006, the District has been attempting to conduct an audit and has repeatedly requested extensive financial and corporate documentation. Although the School has repeatedly assured the District that they intend to comply with these requests, they have failed to do so. Since the School’s financial information is a financial component of the District; failure to obtain this information adversely affects the District. Therefore, the Office of Chief Counsel needs the authority to commence with any and all necessary and applicable legal actions which may involve mediation, intervening in an existing litigation to assert claims against settlement proceeds and instituting a new lawsuit against Corebridge Educational Academy Charter School, Inc. and Dianne Tetreault, individually relating to this matter.
Financial Impact:
Failure to obtain financial information and complete the Audit could result in penalties from the Florida Department of Education. Anticipated expenditures will be incurred by the Office of Chief Counsel.
For Additional Information, contact:
Gerald A. Williams, Esq.; Chief Counsel
A. Denise Sagerholm, Esq.