Title: CLS3-Consider Approval of the Boca Raton High STEM Academy students to travel to Costa Rica. Recommendation:
I recommend that the School Board approve the request for the Boca Raton High School STEM Academy students to travel to Costa Rica. The primary purpose is educational and will provide the students an opportunity to directly view rainforest biome, flora and fauna of the rainforest as well as visit an active volcano and cultural centers.
Description: The Boca Raton High STEM Academy students will participate in environmental field experiences during this trip to Costa Rica specifically visiting the rainforest.
The students will learn first-hand knowledge of the rain forest and its marine eco systems. The students will also learn first-hand about the animal niches. This learning experience will be helpful in their AP environmental science class.
The twenty-five STEM Academy students will be chaperoned to Costa Rica by three adults (two teachers, one parent). There will be a guide and driver with the students at all times.
The group will travel by American Airlines, departing from Miami International Airport on Saturday, March 31, 2007 and will return to Miami on Sunday, April 8, 2007.
The estimated cost of the trip will be $1,800 per person which includes air fare, hotel, charter coach, meals, tours and entrance to all attractions.
Student cost for the trip will be paid by the students and partially by fundraising activities specifically planned to finance this trip. No student will be denied attendance due to inability to pay. Trip insurance is also available.
Financial Impact:
The financial impact of $45,000 will be covered by the Boca Raton High School internal accounts.
For Additional Information, contact:
Ann Killets (akillets@palmbeach.k12.fl.us)
Carole R. Shetler
Geoff McKee
Attachments (list):
Boca Raton High Data Panel.doc
Boca Raton Itinerary 2007.doc
Boca High Field Trip Request.doc