Title: LR3 Retainer Agreement with Meyer and Brooks, P.A. Recommendation:
I recommend that the School Board authorize the General Counsel to execute a retainer agreement with the firm of Meyer and Brooks, P.A.. I also recommend that the Board authorize the additional expenditure of funds, not to exceed $15,000.00, toward attorneys' fees and costs of this litigation. Further, I recommend that the Board waive any conflict that may arise from retaining Meyer and Brooks, P.A. to represent its interests in this matter.
Description: On September 27, 2006, the Board had authorized joining in litigation challenging Chapter 2006-302, Laws of Florida, which creates the Florida Schools of Excellence Commission; and had authorized the Superintendent to appropriate the initial sum of $2,500 as a contribution toward the payment of legal fees and litigation costs associated with such challenge.
Counsel for Meyer and Brooks, P.A., has requested that Chief Counsel sign a retainer agreement relating to this litigation.
General Counsel recommends that a maximum $15,000 Board contribution be established prior to the filing of suit.
For Additional Information, contact:
Gerald Williams