Title: CS4 Denial of Charter School Application of Imagine Charter School Recommendation:
I recommend that the School Board deny the application of Imagine Charter School, and authorize the Superintendent or designee to sign all related contracts and documents.
Description: Imagine Charter School proposes to provide K-5 students with a quality learning opportunity by maintaining a caring learning environment, working with parents and local communities to develop the intellect and character of the students, utilizing innovative teaching techniques delivered by a highly qualified faculty, and offering a challenging curriculum that prepare children for lives of leadership in a rapidly changing world.
The application is reviewed by various departments (e.g. Facilities, Transportation, K-12 Literacy, Research & Evaluation, Accounting Services, etc.) Each department uses the respective component of the matrix to review the application.
Acceptable applications scored 212 points or 90% on the rubric.
This application received 172 points which equals 74% and was denied by the reviewers.
The unacceptable areas are as follows:
- Academic Design: Educational Program, Student Assessment.
- Governance and Management: Profile of the application group and management team, School Governance, and Length of Contract and Implementation Table, Recruiting and Marketing Plan.
- Finance and Facilities: Finance, Facilities.
- Transportation.
- Food Service.
Attached is a copy of the rubric for Imagine Charter School and the Charter School Application Reviewers' Feedback Sheet.
A copy of the charter application is available for review in the Board Office.
Financial Impact:
There is no financial impact to the District.
For Additional Information, contact:
Ann Killets (akillets@palmbeach.k12.fl.us)
Janice S. Cover, Ed.D.
Juanita W. Edwards
Attachments (list):
CS2 Attachment.pdf