Title: CS5 Denial of Charter School Application of Cornerstone Academy Recommendation:
I recommend that the School Board deny the application of Cornerstone Academy for High Standards, and authorize the Superintendent or designee to sign all related contracts and documents.
Description: Cornerstone Academy for High Standards grades K-6 proposes to fill in the gaps in career preparedness by structured academics and character building skills that provide the cohesiveness that completes the process.
The application is reviewed by various departments (e.g. Facilities, Transportation, K-12 Literacy, Research & Evaluation, Accounting Services, etc.) Each department uses the respective component of the matrix to review the application.
Acceptable applications scored 209 points or 90% on the rubric.
This application received 129 points which equals 56% and was denied by the reviewers.
The unacceptable areas are as follows:
- Academic Design: Guiding Principles, Purpose and Mission, Educational Program, and Student Assessment.
- Governance and Management: Profile of the application group and management team, School Governance, and Length of Contract and Implementation Table, Recruiting and Marketing Plan.
- Finance and Facilities: Finance, Facilities, Risk Management.
- Operations: Student Code.
- Transportation.
- Food Service.
Attached is a copy of the rubric for Imagine Charter School and the Charter School Application Reviewers' Feedback Sheet.
A copy of the charter application is available for review in the Board Office.
Financial Impact:
There is no financial impact to the District.
For Additional Information, contact:
Ann Killets (akillets@palmbeach.k12.fl.us)
Janice S. Cover, Ed.D.
Juanita W. Edwards
Attachments (list):
CS3 Attachment.pdf