E-Agenda: Paperless Meeting System
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New Business - Agreements/Contracts

Title: AC3-Cooperative Agreement with United Way of Palm Beach County, Inc.

I recommend that the School Board approve the cooperative agreement with United Way of Palm Beach County, in the estimated amount of $60,000.  The effective dates of this cooperative agreement are January 25, 2007, through June 30, 2008.


The Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004 requires the school district to provide services to students with disabilities between the ages of 14-22 to help them reach their post-school outcomes in post-secondary/training, support service and employment.

During the past two years, the Exceptional Student Education Department and the United Way of Palm Beach County have coordinated a Council on Transitioning Youth Committee.  This Council is comprised of approximately 60 members representing community agencies, parents, and School District personnel.  The purpose of the Council on Transitioning Youth Committee is to improve transition services within the community by working with business and agency partners.

The purpose of this cooperative agreement is to co-fund a facilitator for the Council on Transition Committee.  The Board and United Way of Palm Beach County will each pay 50% of the salary and administrative costs for one person to lead the Palm Beach County Council on Transitioning Youth.  District Staff will assist in the hiring and evaluation of the Council Facilitator.

District staff will continue to participate on the Palm Beach County Council on Transitioning Youth  to ensure compliance with the terms of this Cooperative Agreement. Progress will be documented quarterly, as per Council Meeting minutes, Strategic Plan, and project documentation.

This continuing cooperative agreement is in compliance with State Board Rule 6A.6-0361, "Special Programs for Contractual Arrangements with Non Public Schools".

Financial Impact:
The financial impact to the School District's general operating fund is $60,000.   These funds are allocated from the IDEA Grant to the Exceptional Student Education Department budget.

For Additional Information, contact:
Ann Killets (akillets@palmbeach.k12.fl.us)
Brenda Magee, Ed.D.
Russell Feldman

Attachments (list):
Interagency Agreement.pdf
Business Associate Agreement.pdf
Contract Agreement Addendum.pdf
Disclosure Affidavit.pdf
Legal Checklist.pdf
Data Panel.pdf

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