Title: G4-Mini Grant for Breakthrough to Literacy Program Grant Recommendation:
I recommend that the Board approve this grant in the amount of $12,600.00 to promote the Breakthrough to Literacy Program.
Description: This grant was written to provide funding to upgrade the kindergarten component of the Breakthrough to Literacy Program at Washington Elementary. Breakthrough to Literacy's conceptual framework integrates the perceptual/behavioral predictors of reading success with the equally important home/environmental predictors. Each child will work at the computer everyday. Kindergarten averages about one hour per week. While at the computer, each child works at his/her own developmental level selecting activities that focus on both the meaning and structure of language.
Washington Elementary has had the current Kindergarten Breakthrough to Literacy component since the 1999-2000 school year.
The intended purpose of this grant is to promote the Breakthrough to Literacy Program at Washington Elementary School.
Financial Impact:
The grant was awarded for $12,600.00. This will cover the Breakthrough to Literacy Upgrade Materials from 4.11 to 6.2, ISI Stand Alone, CD Rom (three per classroom) for five classrooms and professional development for teachers.
For Additional Information, contact:
Ann Killets (akillets@palmbeach.k12.fl.us)
Marisol Ferrer
Olivia Butler
Attachments (list):
Virginia & Douglas Stewart Foundation.pdf