E-Agenda: Paperless Meeting System
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New Business - Purchasing

Title: P3 Approve Amendment to Agreement with Nextel South Corp

I recommend approval of the Amendment to Agreement with Nextel South Corp.


The original Agreement dated July 1, 2003 with Nextel South Corp. for wireless telecommunication services included an offer to provide up to $260,000 to enhance the coverage areas at school center hurricane shelters with limited service coverage. 

The Amendment to Agreement sets forth the contract expiration date with Nextel South Corp. of March 20, 2007 with the exception of the part of the Agreement for enhanced service coverage which will continue through June 30, 2010.

The new Agreement with Sprint Solutions Inc., approved by the School Board on January 24th, 2007 runs from March 21, 2007 through June 30, 2010.

This action will allow the continuation of the enhanced coverage Statement of Work through the new contract term.

Financial Impact:
There is no financial impact to the District.

For Additional Information, contact:

Joseph Moore, MooreJ@palmbeach.k12.fl.us

Linda Mainord

Attachments (list):
Amendment to Agreement with Nextel South Corp..pdf
Statement of Work Nextel South Corp..pdf

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