E-Agenda: Paperless Meeting System
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Special Meeting/Workshop - No Division Assigned

Title: Holland & Knight Contract


I recommend the School Board approve a Second Amendment to the Agreement for outside counsel services in the case of The School Board of Palm Beach County v. The Morganti Group, Inc., as successor in interest to Morganti Florida, Inc., Morganti Florida, Inc. and M.P.A. Architects , Inc. f/k/a Marion, Puluga & Associates in an amount not-to-exceed $852,000.00 to Holland and Knight, LLP and authorize the Superintendent and Board Chairman to sign all required documents.


Outside counsel services required to handle litigation in the case of The School Board of Palm Beach County v. The Morganti Group, Inc., as successor in interest to Morganti Florida, Inc., Morganti Florida, Inc. and M.P.A. Architects , Inc. f/k/a Marion, Puluga & Associates, Case No 50 2005CA 006997 XXXXMB.

Financial Impact:

The financial impact is $852,000.00 from the Legal Services Budget.

For Additional Information, contact:

Gerald A. Williams, Esq.; Chief Counsel (williamsg@palmbeach.k12.fl.us

Kathelyn Jacques-Adams

Attachments (list):
Review Checklist for Second Amended Holland and Knight Contract 22807.pdf
Fully Executed H K Contract 22807.pdf

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