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Special Meeting/Workshop - No Division Assigned

Title: CC1 Continued Phase I Support of ERP Project from eVerge Group, Inc.

I recommend award of Amendment 4 to Change Order #1 for continued support services from eVerge Group, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $402,775.00 and authorize the Superintendent and Board Chairman to sign all needed documents. 


CC1 Specific individuals from the eVerge team have been identified to provide continued support of the ERP Project.  The following chart identifies the consultant, their supervisor and the primary functions to be performed.

Matt Knoepke                         Mike Burke                              Contract Pay/FY ’08 Budget


Debi Lyons                              Dianne Howard                        Benefits Billing/E-Benefits


Holly Hall-Perry                      Darron Davis                           HR Recruiting


Koti Kalagara                           Lata Guntur                              Technical Resource


Harish Bejinki                          Lata Guntur                              Technical Resource


Jason Mathieu                          Mike Burke                              Projects


Brandon Johnson                     Lata Guntur                              Senior Technical Resource


All consultants will be evaluated by their supervisor based upon completion of tasks in the project plan. 


The term of this amendment is from April 16, 2007 through June 30, 2007.


eVerge Group, Inc. has agreed to two hourly rates; one for on-site and one for remote support in order to allow the district to reduce costs. 

Financial Impact:
The Financial Impact to the ERP Project is not to exceed $402,775.00 and will come out of the ERP Capital Budget.

For Additional Information, contact:

Joseph Moore, MooreJ@palmbeach.k12.fl.us


Attachments (list):
Change Order to eVerge Agreement.pdf
eVerge Amendment 1 to Change Order 1.pdf
eVerge Amendment 2 to Change Order 1.pdf
eVerge Amendment 3 to Change Order 1.pdf
eVerge Amendment 4 to Change Order 1.pdf

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