Title: RE 2- Approve Warranty Deeds/License Agreement/Easement - PBC Recommendation:
- As apart of Palm Beach County’s Five (5) Year Road Plan, Lyons Road is being widened from Glades Road to Yamato Road.
- Palm Beach County is requesting approximately 0.36 acres, a portion of Olympic Heights High School campus in order to replace right turn lanes lost due to the road expansion.
- Palm Beach County has agreed to pay the cost to construct the right turn lanes for Olympic Heights High School in exchange for the 0.36 acres.
- The design of Lyons Road includes the installation of a new storm drainage system that requiring the granting of a 15-ft utility easement to relocate the existing water and sewer force mains. The affected area will be restored to an equal or better condition.
Financial Impact:
For Additional Information, contact:
Joseph M. Moore (moorej@palmbeach.k12.fl.us) Joseph M. Sanches
Attachments (list):
Checklist-Olympic Heights HS.pdf