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Special Meeting/Workshop - No Division Assigned

Title: RE 2- Approve Warranty Deeds/License Agreement/Easement - PBC


I recommend the School Board approve the Warranty Deeds, the License Agreements, and Utility Easement between Palm Beach County and the School District of Palm Beach County for the Road Widening located at Olympic Heights High School; authorizing the Chairman and the Superintendent to sign all necessary documents.



  • As apart of Palm Beach County’s Five (5) Year Road Plan, Lyons Road is being widened from Glades Road to Yamato Road.


  • Palm Beach County is requesting approximately 0.36 acres, a portion of Olympic Heights High School campus in order to replace right turn lanes lost due to the road expansion.


  • Palm Beach County has agreed to pay the cost to construct the right turn lanes for Olympic Heights High School in exchange for the 0.36 acres.


  • The design of Lyons Road includes the installation of a new storm drainage system that requiring the granting of a 15-ft utility easement to relocate the existing water and sewer force mains. The affected area will be restored to an equal or better condition.

Financial Impact:

For Additional Information, contact:

Joseph M. Moore (moorej@palmbeach.k12.fl.us)
Joseph M. Sanches

Attachments (list):
Checklist-Olympic Heights HS.pdf

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